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Jeden z najbardziej rozbudowanych (i stale powiększanych!) działów w sklepie FGB, obejmujący wszystkie niezbędne rzeczy do praktykowania modelarskiego aspektu figurkowego hobby!

W tej kategorii znajdziesz ofertę jednego z najbardziej znanych producentów - Citadel / Games Workshop na farby z linii Dry, wyjątkowo gęste przeznaczone do techniki drybrushingu (suchego pędzla) do tworzenia rozjaśnień na modelach posiadających wyraźną fakturę (futro, łuski, ostre krawędzie pancerzy).

Więcej na temat poszczególnych rodzajów farb Citadel dowiesz się z naszego poradnika w którym je omawiamy :) [link!]

Przy malowaniu warto też pamiętać o tym jak dbać o pędzle w czasie malowania [link!] i jak pielęgnować je po sesji malarskiej [link!] - pamiętajcie, szanujemy narzędzia a będą nam długo służyć :)

Jeden z najbardziej rozbudowanych (i stale powiększanych!) działów w sklepie FGB, obejmujący wszystkie niezbędne rzeczy do praktykowania modelarskiego aspektu figurkowego hobby!

W tej kategorii znajdziesz ofertę jednego z najbardziej znanych producentów - Citadel / Games Workshop na farby z linii Dry, wyjątkowo gęste przeznaczone do techniki drybrushingu (suchego pędzla) do tworzenia rozjaśnień na modelach posiadających wyraźną fakturę (futro, łuski, ostre krawędzie pancerzy).

Więcej na temat poszczególnych rodzajów farb Citadel dowiesz się z naszego poradnika w którym je omawiamy :) [link!]

Przy malowaniu warto też pamiętać o tym jak dbać o pędzle w czasie malowania [link!] i jak pielęgnować je po sesji malarskiej [link!] - pamiętajcie, szanujemy narzędzia a będą nam długo służyć :)

Producent: Games Workshop
Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.All of our paints are non-toxic, water-based acrylic that are designed for use on plastic, m..
15.50 zł
Cena netto:12.60 zł
Producent: Games Workshop
Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.All of our paints are non-toxic, water-based acrylic that are designed for use on plastic, m..
15.50 zł
Cena netto:12.60 zł
Producent: Games Workshop
Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.All of our paints are non-toxic, water-based acrylic that are designed for use on plastic, m..
15.50 zł
Cena netto:12.60 zł
Producent: Games Workshop
Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.All of our paints are non-toxic, water-based acrylic that are designed for use on plastic, m..
15.50 zł
Cena netto:12.60 zł
Producent: Games Workshop
Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.All of our paints are non-toxic, water-based acrylic that are designed for use on plastic, m..
15.50 zł
Cena netto:12.60 zł
Producent: Games Workshop
Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.All of our paints are non-toxic, water-based acrylic that are designed for use on plastic, m..
15.50 zł
Cena netto:12.60 zł
Producent: Games Workshop
Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.All of our paints are non-toxic, water-based acrylic that are designed for use on plastic, m..
15.50 zł
Cena netto:12.60 zł
Producent: Games Workshop
Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.All of our paints are non-toxic, water-based acrylic that are designed for use on plastic, m..
15.50 zł
Cena netto:12.60 zł
Producent: Games Workshop
Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.All of our paints are non-toxic, water-based acrylic that are designed for use on plastic, m..
15.50 zł
Cena netto:12.60 zł
Producent: Games Workshop
Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.All of our paints are non-toxic, water-based acrylic that are designed for use on plastic, m..
15.50 zł
Cena netto:12.60 zł
Producent: Games Workshop
Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.All of our paints are non-toxic, water-based acrylic that are designed for use on plastic, m..
15.50 zł
Cena netto:12.60 zł
Producent: Games Workshop
Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.All of our paints are non-toxic, water-based acrylic that are designed for use on plastic, m..
15.50 zł
Cena netto:12.60 zł
Pokazuje 1 do 12 z 24 (2 Strony)